What do we need to persevere in the face of suffering in missions? What is resilience? What should our posture be?
All these questions are crucial to pursuing the life God has called us to, especially if that is living cross-culturally. Resilience is not a can-do, try-hard attitude in the face of trials; it is dependence on God to endure hardships. Sara discusses her understanding of resilience—ways she has seen it and how to model living for your family and those around you.
Sara is a mother of two daughters, a poet, author, songwriter and teacher making God known throughout Europe. Growing up as a pastor’s kid, she knew what it was like to work in Christian service and strive after holiness. Through serving on the field and living with chronic illness, she is learning what it means to rest in God alone. Sara has spent time in many countries, from traveling throughout Europe and down the coast of Africa with Mercy Ships to church planting in Senegal and leading others in picturesque France. She currently resides in Germany.
Through Sara’s 22 years of field experience, she has learned it takes a daily submission to God to build resilience. We must approach our problems with humility, open hands and an open heart to what God may bring. Dealing with the chronic illness in her daughter’s life and her own has brought an understanding of what it means to find rest in God.
We can’t bear the burdens of these things, but God can, and we can rest in Him. We can glean from Sara’s experience and wisdom as we apply it to our journey of walking with God and pursuing His calling.
Sara’s song: https://youtu.be/wEkRlHoANRI